Express Who You Truly Are

By Virginia Nava Hieger

You are unique. Your uniqueness is a gift to the world. It encompasses your life story, your experiences, the lessons you have learned, and the skills and values that you have.

Many of these experiences are bottled inside of you. So, imagine yourself as a bottle with a message inside that must be expressed. Maybe the message is a story to be told, a lesson that can be turned into a “golden nugget” for someone else going through the same experience. The message matters.

As you imagine your message in the bottle, do you see that the message is for someone else? The first step is for you to open the bottle. How do you do this? You do this by realizing that this message is really important. You only need a couple of minutes of courage to start the process.

As you read your message, connect with it and start becoming present to your message. Often, we are unaware of the messages and lessons we carry inside of our hearts. We become present to them when we listen.

Now, imagine a younger version of yourself, or someone in a similar spot to yours. Imagine what it would be like if they read the message in the bottle or if they heard you share it with them.

Expressing who you truly are is an act of self-love and self-acceptance. There is a lot of hurt and rejection from our experiences that many of us carry throughout our lifetimes. When we are able to transform these past hurts and rejections into self-acceptance, we are able to realize that our voice and our self-expression are ours to claim.

The next time you have a message that feels important to share, imagine yourself as that bottle with a message inside and give yourself permission to open it, receive it and share it.

Our world is a better place because of the many great books that have been written, the many ideas that have been shared, the many stories that have been told. Your stories, your ideas and your perspectives matter. Your perspectives and experiences help enrich others’ lives.

Express who you truly are, liberate your voice and give yourself the opportunity to impact others.

Virginia Nava Hieger,  CEO

Transformative Power